Veracruz also offers tours to learn about its archaeological sites.
In walks of approximately 5 hours, tourists visit the old cemetery at Quiahuiztlán, which was also fortress and city, and go up to Cempoala (the first Mexican village explored by Cortez) to explore the temples dedicated to the God of rain, the sun, the moon and the air.
On this excursion, tourists have the opportunity to contemplate the remains of the Hernan Cortes house and the town of La Antigua.
The archaeological zone of Cempoala has several squares and fortifications.
Cempoala was the scene of several battles done to consolidate the Mexican colonization, therefore it has an enormous historical and cultural importance.
If you are attracted by this type of journeys, do not hesitate to participate of Explore Cempoala, Quiahuiztlan and La Antigua during your visit to Veracruz.
Explore Cempoala, Quiahuiztlán and Antigua, admission and transportation
Learn more about this beautiful place in tours in Veracruz.